605 EDCT
Clinical Assistant Professor
Curriculum Vitae
From 1984 to 2008, served as classroom teacher, Head of Department for Humanities and Assistant Principal in public schools in Singapore, as well as Professional Development Officer at the Ministry of Education (Singapore) facilitating elementary and high school teachers in action research.

Ph.D., Educational Psychology, Texas A&M University (2015)
M.S., Creativity Studies and Change Leadership, State University of New York, Buffalo College (2005)
B.A., Geography (Hons.), National University of Singapore (1995)
EPSY 320. Child Development for Educators
EPSY 431. Personal Creativity and Giftedness
EPSY 435. Educational Statistics
2021A, 2021B, 2021C, 2020C,2020B,2020A,2019C,2019B
EPSY 622. Measurement and Evaluation in Education
2021A, 2021B, 2021C, 2020C,2020B,2020A,2019C,2019B
EPSY 633. Qualitative Research Design and Data Collection
EPSY 635. Educational Statistics
EPSY 636. Techniques of Research
EPSY 684. Professional Internship
EPSY 689. Special Topics: Understanding Research from a Consumer's Perspective
INST 301. Educational Psychology
Coordinator for Online MEd program, “Measurement, Educational Planning, Research Methods, Instrumentation, Testing & Statistics” (MERITS) (2021 to present)
Journal Articles
Ramos, S.J., & Juntune, J. (2023). Mindsketching as a visual learning strategy to build academic literacy of children raised in poverty: A naturalistic inquiry approach. ATSK Journal of Psychology, 1(3), 38-52
McCorkle, S., Juntune, J., Ramos, S.J., Ramos, H., Whiteside, E., & Kao, S. (June 6, 2022). How to keep your students’ work off study sites. The Teaching Professor. Magna Publications [published with student]
Dubina, I.N., & Ramos, S.J. (2019) An effect of national cultures on creativity, innovativeness and entrepreneurship, Management in Russia and Abroad, N1, 91-101 (in Russian)
Ramos, S.J. (2017). Building academic literacy of gifted children from poverty using mindsketching: Research to practice. TEMPO, 38(1), 21-25.
Ramos, S.J., & Puccio, G.J. (2014). Cross-cultural studies of implicit theories of creativity: A comparative analysis between the United States and the main ethnic groups in Singapore. Creativity Research Journal, 26(2), 223-228. doi: 10.1080/10400419.2014.901094
Juntune, J., Kaya, F., & Ramos, S.J. (2011). Another look at high-ability students from low SES populations. TEMPO, 31(4), 14-19.
Book Chapters
Li, Y., Sutejdo, A., Ramos, S.J., Garcimartin, H.R., & Thomas, A. (2021) A Naturalistic Inquiry into Digital Game-Based Learning in STEM Classes from the Instructors’ Perspective. In Aprea, C. & Ifenthaler, D. (Eds.) Game-based learning across the disciplines (pp.229-244). Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-75142-5_10 [published with student]
Ramos, S.J. & Hesp, P.A. (2018). Mangrove Establishment in an Artificially Constructed Estuarine Channel, Sungei Api-Api, Singapore. In Makowski C. & Finkl C. (Eds.) Threats to Mangrove Forests. Coastal Research Library (pp. 419-427), 25. Cham: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-73016-5_19
Ramos, S.J. (2017) Implicit theories and creativity. In E.G. Carayannis (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (2nd ed.). New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1
Dubina, I., & Ramos, S.J. (2016). Creativity through a cultural lens. In Carayannis, E. & Dubina, I. (Eds.), Creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship across cultures: Theories and practices (pp. 29-34). New York, NY: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3261-0_2
Ramos, S.J. (2016). The geography of the creative mind: A cross-cultural study of implicit theories of creativity between Singapore and the United States. In Carayannis, E. & Dubina, I. (Eds.), Creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship across cultures: Theories and practices (pp. 51-61). New York, NY: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3261-0_4
Ramos, S.J. (2015). Investigating functional fixedness in student-designed survival kits. In M.J. Fox (Ed.), Why study creativity? Reflections and lessons from the International Center for Studies in Creativity (pp. 109-120). Buffalo, New York: ICSC Press.
Conference Presentations
Ramos, S.J. (November, 2023). Visual learning techniques to build academic literacy of underachieving high ability students. Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented: Professional Development Conference. Dallas, TX.
McCorkle, S., Juntune, J., Ramos, S.J., Ramos, H., Whiteside, E., (April, 2022) Combating “Study Sites” through engaging assignment re-design. International Teaching Learning Cooperative (ITLC) Lilly Conference. Austin, TX. Online Presentation
Ramos, S.J., & Ramos, H. (December, 2022). Creative thinking tools to enhance depth and complexity. Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented: Professional Development Conference. Houston, TX.
Juntune, J., Ramos, S.J., & Ramos, H. (December, 2021). Enhancing learning in gifted students from diverse backgrounds. Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented: Professional Development Conference. Dallas, TX. Online Presentation
Ramos, S.J. (April, 2021). Encouraging metacognition through visual learning. Transformational Teaching and Learning Conference. Online Presentation
Ramos, S.J. (July, 2021). From cognitive lags to creative leaps: Using visualization to achieve academic success of underachieving students from poverty. Creativity Conference at South Oregon University. Online Presentation
Ramos, H., & Ramos, S.J. (December, 2020). Going beyond the basics of differentiation: Incorporating creative thinking tools to practice depth and complexity. Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented: Professional Development Conference. Online Presentation
Ramos, S.J., & Ramos. H. (December, 2019). Going beyond the basics of critical thinking: Teaching high ability students the principles of inventive problem-solving. Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented: Professional Development Conference. San Antonio, TX.
Juntune, J., & Ramos, S.J. (November, 2018). Understanding bright students raised in poverty. Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented: Professional Development Conference. Fort Worth, Dallas, TX.
Juntune, J., Ramos, S.J., & Marvel, A. (December, 2017). Helping gifted students from poverty achieve in academic settings. Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented: Professional Development Conference. Houston, TX. [published with student]
Ramos, S.J. (October, 2017). Building academic literacy of children from poverty. Annual International Creativity Conference for Educators. Johannesburg, South Africa.
Ramos, S.J. (October, 2016). Investigating the achievement gap in underachieving children from poverty. Annual International Creativity Conference for Educators. Johannesburg, South Africa.
Ramos, H., & Ramos, S.J. (May, 2015). Overcoming cognitive fixation for deep learning and creative thinking. Digital Ticket Online Conference. Beaumont, TX.
Juntune, J., Ramos, S.J., Ramos, H., & Navruz, B. (December 2014). Classrooms that build academic achievement in students raised in poverty. Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented: Professional Development Conference. Fort Worth, Dallas, TX.
Ramos, S.J. (May, 2014). Visualizing from within: Building academic literacy of children from poverty. Creativity Expert Exchange. Buffalo, NY.
Other Publications and Presentations
Ramos, S.J. (2017) Implicit theories and creativity. In E.G. Carayannis (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (2nd ed.). New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-6616-1
Dubina, I., & Ramos, S.J. (2013). Creativity across cultures. In E.G. Carayannis (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. (pp. 360-364). New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-3858-8_26
Dubina, I., & Ramos, S.J. (2013). Entrepreneurship and national culture (according to Hofstede’s model). In E.G. Carayannis (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship. (pp. 634-638). New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-3858-8_210
Teaching Excellence Grant Program - Equitable Learning Kits by Mail in a Distance Master's Course (2023-2024)
Research Enterprise and Outreach Office, School of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University
Funded: $14,992.0
Expected outcomes of the research project are to collect data, disseminate findings, and share experiences with Equitable Learning Kits through the scholarship of teaching and learning. This project can then be used as an interdisciplinary blueprint for other SEHD distance educators to secure grant funding through agencies directly related to their content areas for the curation of Equitable Learning Kits in their own courses.
Implementation of Gifted Programs in a Private School Setting, 2018
Qualitative study on the implementation of programs for gifted students in a private school setting, Rainard School for the Gifted, Houston, Texas (2018)
Qualitative Study on Verbal & Nonverbal Intelligence in Children from Poverty (El Paso, Texas) 2014
Research study on verbal-nonverbal intelligence gaps in children from poverty, El Paso, Texas (2014)