SEHD Directory: Help

This directory list all current faculty and staff within the College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University. The information associated with each person is maintained by designated staff as well as the page owner.
If someone should be added or removed, please contact Jonathan Masabni (
For assistance with editing the information on your page, contact Jonathan Masabni or your department's directory administrator (listed below).
Directory photos are managed by the SEHD Communications office. To request a photo be added or changes, contact
To Edit Your Page
Detailed Instructions (PDF)
  1. Login by clicking the "login" link in the header.
  2. Go to your page in the directory.
  3. Click the "Edit Profile" button at the top or bottom of the page.
On the edit page, the top section are items you may edit directly from the page. For these, make whatever changes you like and click the "Update Profile" page just under the education section or at the bottom of the page.
After the "Education" section, there are several sections of additional data you may include on your page. For each one, click the associated "Edit" button next to the section header to add, edit, or remove items to be included on your page. All of these sections are optional. For most areas, you may specify the order in which items will appear. Any section with no items will be skipped on your page.
  • Awards, Editorialships, and Leadership. Include any awards, editorial positions, or other leadership positions you wish to highlight.
  • Courses Taught. These the courses you have taught that you wish to highlight. In the previous directory, these values were loaded from Compass, but here you will need to add the ones you want to include. This allows you to include courses from other institutions or leave out ones you haven't taught in many years. You can also include a syllabus with each course if you choose to do so. (Click "Show Course" on the edit page to see the courses currently included.)
  • Former Students. Former doctoral students you wish to list.
  • Organization Affiliations. These are groups within the college with which you are associated. These can be research groups, academic programs, or other similar groups. The available groups is defined. But if you want a group added, contact Arlen Strader ( with the group name, department, description (optional), and web site (optional).
  • Publications. Add whichever publications and presentations you want to include on your page.
  • Research Interests. These are a series of topics you consider to be the focuses of your research.
  • Research Projects. List the research projects in which you have participated that you choose to include.
  • Resources. This is a place to upload documents and add web link you would like to be on your page.
If you have difficulties with this site, have other questions, or would like to make suggestions about improving the directory, please contact Arlen Strader (