325 EDCT
Instructional Designer III
Kevin Lawanto is currently an Instructional Designer in Teaching, Learning, and Culture department and a doctoral student in Educational Psychology at Texas A&M University. He holds a Master of Science degree in Instructional Technology and Learning Sciences from Utah State University.

Kevin’s research interests include self-regulation, metacognition, and innovative assessments in healthcare settings. He is passionate about improving medical education to ensure current and future healthcare professionals provide effective, compassionate, and high-quality healthcare.

M.S., Learning Sciences, Utah State University (2016)
B.S., Psychology, Utah State University (2013)
Highlighed Publications
Lawanto, K. N. (2016). Exploring trends in middle school students' computational thinking in the online Scratch community: A pilot study. Utah State University.
Journal Articles
Brasiel, S., Jeong, S., Ames, C., Lawanto, K., Yuan, M., & Martin, T. (2016). Effects of educational technology on mathematics achievement for K-12 students in Utah. Journal of Online Learning Research, 2(3), 205-226.
Book Chapters
Brasiel, S., Close, K., Jeong, S., Lawanto, K., Janisiewicz, P., & Martin, T. (2017). Measuring computational thinking development with the FUN! Tool. In Emerging research, practice, and policy on computational thinking (pp. 327-347). Springer, Cham.
Lawanto, K., Close, K., Ames, C., & Brasiel, S. (2017). Exploring strengths and weaknesses in middle school students’ computational thinking in scratch. In Emerging research, practice, and policy on computational thinking (pp. 307-326). Springer, Cham.
Conference Proceedings
Brasiel, S., Martin, T., Jeong, S., Lawanto, K., Ames, C., & Yuan, M. (2016, March). Achievement impacts from a K-12 mathematics technology scale-up statewide. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 2790-2795). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Smith, S., Lawanto, K., Brasiel, S., & Martin, T. (2015, March). Changing Middle School Teachers’ Algebra Content Knowledge and Teaching Self-Efficacy Beliefs Through Technology-Enriched Professional Development. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 3426-3433). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).