363 EDCT
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Assistant Professor
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Melanie Kinskey’s area of expertise centers on science instruction in the elementary classroom with a specific emphasis on facilitating lessons that engage students in real-world problems. Her research focuses on helping pre- and in-service teachers find ways to make science meaningful to their students, specifically through the the facilitation of science content through current events/issues and: understanding multiple perspectives concerning the issue, displaying empathy toward different societal groups impacted by the issue, and engaging in scientific discourse about the issue, all for the purpose of developing an informed decision as a democratic citizen. Dr. Kinskey positions this work within the context of socioscientific issues. Through this research, she advocates for providing all K-12 children an opportunity to participate in inquiry-based science lessons that challenge their thinking and help develop their abilities to make informed decisions about the world around them.

Journal Articles
Kinskey, M., & Newton, M. (2024). Teacher candidates’ views of future SSI instruction: a multiple case study. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research, 6(1), 8
Kinskey, M., & Zeidler, D. (2021). Elementary preservice teachers’ challenges in designing and implementing socioscientific issues-based lessons. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 32(3), 350-372.
Kinskey, M., & Zeidler, D. (2024). Elementary preservice teachers' pedagogical decisions about socioscientific issues instruction. Journal of Research in Science Teaching.