Dr. Linda G. Castillo is a professor in the counseling psychology doctoral and school counseling master's degree programs. She is a licensed psychologist with a specialization in women's mental health, Relational Cultural Therapy, and Solution Focused Counseling. She was bestowed Fellow status by the American Psychological Association for her research in college student mental health and Latine educational persistence. Awarded over $10 million in federal funds across her career, Dr. Castillo's grant projects focus on college and career readiness of low-income and at-risk youth.
Latine educational persistence and mental health
Scale development and validity of cultural constructs
Heart of Texas GEAR UP
Principal Investigator and Director: Linda Castillo, Ph.D.
Co-PI and Co-Director: Marcia Montague, Ph.D.
In the fall of 2020, Drs. Castillo and Montague were awarded a 7-year, $6.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education. The Heart of Texas GEAR UP project provides comprehensive support services to a cohort of over 1,200 7th grade students to help them prepare for and succeed in post-secondary education. Objectives of the grant project are as follows:
Objective 1: Increase student academic performance and high school graduation rates.
Objective 2: Increase student preparation for and success in postsecondary education.
Objective 3: Increase career knowledge and career decision-making skills among students and families.
Objective 4: Increase awareness of and knowledge regarding college matriculation among students and families.
Objective 5: Increase sustainability of project efforts.
Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, University of Utah (1999)
M.S., Counseling Psychology, University of Utah (1996)
B.A., Psychology, Southwest Texas State University (1994)
CPSY639. Counseling Practicum I
CPSY664. Couns Practicum II
CPSY666. Pract In Coun Superv
CPSY679. Multicultural Counsel
CPSY683. Field Practicum
CPSY684. Internship- In Absentia
CPSY685. Directed Studies
CPSY688. Research Proposal Development
CPSY689. Special Topics In :mx-amr Psyc Thr And Rsc
CPSY690. Theory Of Cpsy Rsearch
EPSY622. Meas And Eval In Educ
EPSY683. Field Practicum In
EPSY685. Directed Studies
Brandon Paul Smith, Ph.D. (Summer 2022)
Sakina F. Ali, Ph.D. (Summer 2022)
Xiao He (Summer 2019)
Esteefania Adriana Lezama (Summer 2019)
Angel M. Glover (Summer 2017)
Araceli Lopez (Summer 2016)
Huynh Mai Thi Nguyen (Fall 2015)
Kimberly Rodriguez (Summer 2015)
Brandy Pina-Watson (Summer 2014)
Rosalinda Rosli (Spring 2013)
Allison Davis (Summer 2012)
Lesley Ann Brown (Summer 2012)
John Hershberger (Fall 2011)
Flor Perez (Fall 2011)
Keisha Thompson (Summer 2011)
Miguel Cano (Summer 2011)
Morgan Hurst (Fall 2010)
Karlen Moore (Summer 2010)
Angela Heads (Summer 2009)
Marion Zahn (Summer 2009)
Lorena Lisa Gonzalez (Spring 2009)
Clinton Edward Quisenberry (Spring 2009)
Kimberly Kempner (Summer 2007)
Beth Boone (Fall 2006)
Highlighed Publications
Castillo, L. G., Gonzalez, P., Merz, E. L., Nuñez, A., Castañeda, S. F., Buelna, C., Ojeda, L., Giachello, A. L., Womack, V. Y., Garcia, K. A., Penedo, F. J., Talavera, G. A., & Gallo, L. C. (2020). Factorial invariance of the marianismo beliefs scale among Latinos in the Hispanic community health study/study of Latinos sociocultural ancillary study. Journal of Clinical Psychology. Advance online publication.
*Ali, S., *Semma, B., *Thornhill, C., & Castillo, L. G. (2021). Eudaimonic well-being for lesbian and bisexual women: The roles of religion and social connectedness. Journal of Homosexuality. [published with student]
*Danquah, R., *Lopez, C., *Wade, L., & Castillo, L. G. (2021). Racial justice activist burnout of women of color in the United States: Practical tools for counseling intervention. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling. [published with student]
*Lezama, E. A., & Castillo, L. G. (2020). Acculturative stress and body image of Latina college students attending PWIs and HSIs. Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Science, 8, 80-90. [published with student]
Rosner, C. M., Armstrong, T. W., Walsh, M. V., Castillo, L. G., *Sahu, A. (2020). Identity centrality and well-being in lesbian and bisexual women college students. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 7, 70-80. [published with student]
Journal Articles
*Chang, Y., *Ali, S., *Sahu, A., *Dong, S., *Thornhill, C. W., *Milian, P., & Castillo, L. G. (2021). Chinese international student sexual harassment on U.S. college campuses. Journal of International Students, 11(3), 742-748. [published with student]
*Ponciano, C., *Semma, B., *Ali, S., *Console, K., & Castillo, L. G. (2020). Institutional context of perceived discrimination, acculturative stress, and depressive symptoms among Latina college students. Journal of Latinos and Education. Advance online publication [published with student]
*Heredia, D., Pina-Watson, B., Castillo, L. G., Ojeda, L., & Cano, M. A. (2018). Academic nonpersistence among Latina/o college students: Examining cultural and social factors. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 11, 192-200. [published with student]
Montague, L. M., Lynch, P. S., Armstrong, T. W., Castillo, L. G. (2018). Reliability and validity of the self-advocacy scale. Special Education Research, Policy, & Practice,2, 77-87. [published with student]
Sanchez-Gonzalez, M., Castillo, L. G., Montague, L. M., Lynch, P. S. (2018). Predictors of college enrollment among Latinx high school students. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. [published with student]
Heads, A. M., *Glover, A.M., Castillo, L. G., Blozis, S., Kim, S. Y. (2017) Dimensions of ethnic identity as protective factors for substance use and sexual risk behaviors in African American college students. Journal of American College Health. [published with student]
*Heredia, D., *Sanchez-Gonzalez, M., *Rosner, C., *He, X., Castillo, L. G., & Ojeda, L. (2017). The Influence of loneliness and interpersonal relations on Latina/o adolescent wellbeing. Journal of Latinos and Education, 16, 338-348. [published with student]
Cano, M. A., Schwartz, S. J., Castillo, L. G., Unger, J. B., Huang, S., Zamboanga, B. L., Romero, A. J., Lorenzo-Blanco, E., et al. (2016). Health risk behaviors and depressive symptoms among Hispanic Adolescents: Examining acculturation discrepancies and family functioning. Journal of Family Psychology, 30, 254-265.
Juang, L., Moffitt, U., Kim, S. Y., Lee, R. M., Soto, J. A., Hurley, E., Weisskirch, R. S., Blozis, S. A., Castillo, L. G., Huynh, Q., & Whitborne, S. K. (2016). Cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression: Links to racial-ethnic discrimination and adjustment among Latina/o and Asian-heritage college students in the United States. Journal of Adolescence, 53, 21-33.
Yap, S. C. Y., Donnellan, M. B., Schwartz, S. J., Zamboanga, B. L., Kim, S. Y., Huynh, Q. L., Vazsonyi, A. T., Cano, M. A., Hurley, E. A., Whitbourne, S. K., Castillo, L. G., Donovan, R. A., Blozis, S. A., & Brown, E. J. (2016). Evaluating the invariance of the multigroup ethnic identity measure across foreign-born, second-generation and later-generation college students in the United States. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 22, 460-465.
Brittian, A. S., Kim, S. Y., Armenta, B. E., Lee, R. M., Uma[241]a-Taylor, A. J., Schwartz, S. J., Villalta, I. K., Zamboanga, B. L., Weisskirch, R. S., Juang, L. P., Castillo, L. G., & Hudson, M. L. (2015). Do dimensions of ethnic identity mediate the association between perceived ethnic group discrimination and depressive symptoms? Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 21, 41-53.
Cano, M. A., de Dios, M. A., Castro, Y., Vaughan, E. L., Castillo, L. G., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Pina-Watson, B., Cardoso, J. B., Ojeda, L., Cruz, R. A., Correa- Fernandez, V., Ibanez, G., Auf, R., Molleda, L. M. (2015). Alcohol use severity and depressive symptoms among late adolescent Hispanics: Testing associations of acculturation and enculturation in a bicultural transaction model. Addictive Behaviors, 49, 78-82
Cano, M. A., Schwartz, S. J., Castillo, L. G., Romero, A. J., Huang, S., Lorenzo-Blanco, E. I., Unger, J. B., Zamboanga, B. L., Des Rosiers, S. E., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Lizzi, K. M., Soto, D. W., Oshri, A., Villamar, J. A., Pattarroyo, M., & Szapocnik, J. (2015). Depressive symptoms and externalizing behaviors among Hispanic immigrant adolescents: Examining longitudinal effects of cultural stress. Journal of Adolescence, 42, 31-39
Castillo, L. G., Cano, M. G., Yoon, M., Jung, E., Brown, E. J., Zamboanga, B. L., Kim, S. Y., Schwartz, S. J., Huynh, Q., Weisskirch, R. S., & Whitbourne, S. K. (2015). Factor structure and factorial invariance of the multidimensional acculturative stress inventory. Psychological Assessment, 27, 915-924
Castillo, L. G., Navarro, R. L., *Walker, J. E., Schwartz, S. J., Zamboanga, B. L., Whitbourne, S. K., Weisskirch, R. S., Kim, S. Y., Park, I. J. K., Vazsonyi, A. T., & Caraway, J. (2015). Gender matters: The influence of acculturation and acculturative stress on Latino college student depressive symptomatology. Journal of Latina/o Psychology, 3, 40-55.
Gonzales-Backen, M. A., Dumka, L. E., Millsap, R. E., Hyung, C. Y., Schwartz, S. J., Zamboanga, B. L., Weisskirch, R. S., Rodriguez, L., Castillo, L. G., Kim, S. Y., Brown, E. J., Whitbourne, S. K., & Vazsonyi, A. T. (2015). The role of social and personal identities in self-esteem among ethnic minority college students. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 15, 202-220
*Pina-Watson, B., & Castillo, L. G. (2015). The role of perceived parent-child relationship on Latina adolescent depression. Child Adolescent and Social Work Journal, 32, 309-315. doi: 10.1007/s10560-014-0374-0 [published with student]
Sosa, E.T., Mckyer, E.L., Pruitt, B., Goodson, P., Castillo, L. (2015). The complexities of childhood obesity: A qualitative study among Mexican American Mothers. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice, 8 (3), 28-41.
. Zamboanga, B. L., Pesigan, I.J.A., Tomaso, C. C., Schwartz, S. J., Ham, L. S., Bersamin, M. Kim, S. Y., Cano, M. A., Castillo, L. G., Forthun, L., Whitbourne, S. K., & Hurley, E. A. (2015). Frequency of drinking games participation and alcohol-related problems in a multiethnic sample of college students: Do gender and ethnicity matter? Addictive Behaviors, 41, 112-116.
Cano, M. A., Castillo, L. G., Castro, Y., de Dios, M. A., & Roncancio, A. M. (2014). Acculturative stress and depressive symptomatology among Mexican and Mexican American students in the U.S.: Examining associations with cultural incongruity and intragroup marginalization. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 36, 136-149.
Hayes, D., Blake, J. J., Darensbourg, A. [61616], & Castillo, L. G. (2014). Examining the academic achievement of Latino adolescents: The role of peer and parental influences. Journal of Early Adolescence.
Ojeda, L., Castillo, L.G., Rosales Meza, R., & *Pi[241][241]a-Watson, B. (2014). Mexican Americans in higher education: Cultural adaptation and marginalization as predictors of college persistence intentions and life satisfaction. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 13, 3-14.
Ojeda, L., Castillo, L.G., Rosales Meza, R., & *Pi[241]a-Watson, B. (2014). Mexican Americans in higher education: Cultural adaptation and marginalization as predictors of college persistence intentions and life satisfaction. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 13, 3-14
*Pi[241]a-Watson, B., Castillo, L. G., Jung, E., Ojeda, L., & Castillo-Reyes, R. (2014). The Marianismo Beliefs Scale: Validation with Mexican American Adolescent Girls and Boys. Journal of Latina/o Psychology, 2, 113-130.
*Pina-Watson, B., Castillo, L. G., *Rodriguez, K. M., & *Ray, S. (2014). Familial protective factors of Latina adolescent suicidal ideation. Archives of Suicide Research, 18, 213-220
Sosa, E.T., McKyer, E.L.J., Goodson, P., Castillo, L. (2014). Mexican American mothers[48]19 perceptions of their role in obesity prevention: A Qualitative study. Journal of Research in Obesity, Vol. 2014 (2014). Article ID 845124, DOI: 10.5171/2014.845124
Yap, S. C. Y., Donnellan, M. B., Schwartz, S. J., Kim. S. Y, Castillo, L. G., and MUSIC Collaborative (2014). Investigating measurement invariance of the multigroup ethnic identity measure across diverse samples of college students. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 61, 437-446.
Brittian, A. S., Umana -Taylor, A. J., Lee, R. M., Zamboanga, B. L., Kim, S. Y., Wesskirch, R., Castillo, L. G., et al. (2013). The moderating role of centrality on associations between ethnic identity affirmation and ethnic minority college students' mental health. Journal of American College Health, 69, 252-263
Brossart, D. F.,Wendel, M., Cook, H., Castillo, L. G., Elliott, T. R., & Burdine, J. (2013). Assessing depression in rural communities. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 69, 252-263
Castillo, L. G., & *Rodriguez, K. M. (2013). Review of the book Creating infrastructures for Latino mental health by L. P. Buki and L. Piedra. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 19, 369-370
Castillo, L. G., & Schwartz, S. J. (2013). Introduction to the special issue on college student mental health. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 69, 291-297
*Pina-Watson, B., Castillo, L. G., Ojeda, L., & *Rodriguez, K. (2013). Parent conflict as a mediator between marianismo beliefs and depressive symptoms for Mexican American college women. Journal of American College Health, 61, 491-496
*Rodriguez, K. M., Castillo, L. G., & *Gandara, L. (2013). Latina adolescents[48]19 academic achievement and its relationship to marianismo, ganas, and academic motivation. Journal of Latina/o Psychology, 1, 218-226
Cano, M. A., Castillo, L. G., *Davis, M. J., *Lpez-Arenas, A., *Vaquero, J., *Thompson, K., *Saldivar, I. M. (2012). Dynamics of acculturation, enculturation, and ethnic identity: Influence of psychocultural constructs on conscientiousness and expectations of higher education among Latinos. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 30, 1-11
Castillo, L. G., Phoummarath, M. J., & Cano, M. A. (2012). Predictors of familial acculturative stress in Asian American college students. Journal of College Counseling, 15, 52-64
Ojeda, L., *Pi[241]a-Watson, B., Castillo, L. G., *Khan, N., *Castillo, R., & *Leigh, J. (2012). Acculturation, enculturation, ethnic identity, and conscientiousness as predictors of Latino girls[8217] and boys[8217] career decision self-efficacy. Journal of Career Development, 39, 208-228
Schwartz, S. J., Park, I. J. K., Huynh, Q. L., Zamoagna, B. L., Uma[241]a -Taylor, A., Lee, R. M., Rodriquez, L., Kim, S. Y., Whitbourne, S. K., Castillo, L. G., et al. (2012). The American identity measure: Development and validation across ethnic subgroup and immigrant generation. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 12, 93- 128
Brossart, D. F., Parker, R. I., & Castillo, L. G. (2011). Robust regression for single-case data analysis: How can it help? Behavior Research Methods, 43, 710-719
Schwartz, S. J., Weisskirch, R. S., Zamboanga, B. L., Castillo, L. G., Ham, L. S., Huynh, Q. L., Park, I. J. K., Donovan, R., Kim, S. Y., Vernon, M., *Davis, M. J., & *Cano, M. A. (2011). Dimensions of acculturation: Associations with health risk behaviors among college students from immigrant families. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58, 27-41
*Cano, M. A., & Castillo, L. G. (2010). The role of enculturation and acculturation in Latina college student distress. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 9, 221-231
Castillo, L. G., Conoley, C. W., *Cepeda, L. M., *Ivy, K. K, & *Archuleta, D. J. (2010). Mexican American adolescents' perceptions of a pro-college culture. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education, 9, 61-72
Castillo, L. G., *Lpez-Arenas, A., & *Saldivar, I. M. (2010). The influence of acculturation and enculturation on Latino high school students' decision to apply to college. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 38, 88-98.
Castillo, L. G., *Perez, F. V., * Castillo, R, & * Ghosheh, M. R. (2010). Construction and initial validation of the marianismo beliefs scale. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 23, 163-175.
Schwartz, S. J., Weisskirch, R. S., Hurley, E. A., Zamboanga, B. L., Park, I. J., Kim, S. Y., Umana-Taylor, A., Castillo, L. G., Brown, E., Greene, A. D. (2010). Communalism, familism, and filial piety: Are they birds of a collective feather? Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 548-560
*Thompson, K. V., *Lightfoot, N. L., Castillo, L. G., & *Hurst, M. L. (2010). Influence of family's perceptions of acting white on acculturative stress in African American college students. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 32, 144-152
Tong, F., Castillo, L. G., & *Perez, A. (2010). A psychological profile of acculturation, ethnic identity, and teacher efficacy among Latino in-service teachers of English. International Education Studies, 3, 41-51.
Warren, C. S., Castillo, L. G., & Gleaves, D. H (2010). The sociocultural model of eating disorders in Mexican American women: Behavioral acculturation and cognitive marginalization as moderators. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 18, 43-57
Castillo, L. G. (2009). The role of intragroup marginalization in bicultural Latino college student adjustment. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 31, 245-254. doi:10.1007/s10447-009-9081-5
Castillo, L. G., & *Caver, K (2009). Expanding the concept of acculturation in Mexican American rehabilitation psychology research and practice. Rehabilitation Psychology, 54, 351-362. doi: 10.1037/a0017801 (authored with student)
Boone, B. C., & Castillo, L. G. (2008). The impact of poetry therapy on secondary posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms of domestic violence counselors. Journal of Poetry Therapy, 21 (1), pp.
Castillo, L. G., Cano, M. A., Chen, S.W., Blucker, R., & Olds, V. (2008). Family conflict and intragroup marginalization as predictors of acculturative stress in Latino college students. International Journal of Stress Management, 15, 43-52.
Castillo, L. G., Kempner, K. P. (2008). Online career counseling with Mexican American adolescents. Journal of Technology in Counseling, 5, 1-12.
Castillo, L. G., Brossart, D. F., Reyes, C., Conoley, C. W., & Phoummarath, M. J. (2007). The influence of multicultural training on perceived multicultural competencies and implicit racial prejudice. Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development, 35, 243-254.
Castillo, L. G., Conoley, C. W., Brossart, D. F., & Quiros, A. (2007). Construction and validation of the intragroup marginalization inventory. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 13, 232-240.
Archuleta, D.J., Castillo, L.G., King, J.J. (2006). Working with Latina adolescents in online support groups. Journal of School Counseling, 4, 3-16.
Castillo, L.G., Archuleta, D.J. & Van Landingham, A. (2006). The influence of employment status on depressive symptomatology in U.S.-born Mexican American women. Journal of Rural Community Psychology, 9, 1-17.
Castillo, L.G., Conoley, C.W., Choi-Pearson, C., Archuleta, D.J., Van Landinghan, A., & Phoummarath, M.J. (2006). University environment as a mediator of Latino Ethnic Identity and persistence attitudes. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53 267-271.
Castillo, L.G., Conoley, C.W., King, J., Rollins, D., Veve, M., & Rivera, S. (2006). Predictors of racial predjudice in White American counseling students. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 34,15-26.
Bias, J.P., Conoley, C.W., & Castillo, L.G. (2005). Effective responses to teasing. The Childhood Care & Development Journal, 3, 15-39.
Castillo, L.G., Conoley, C.W., & Brossart, D.F. (2004). Acculturation, White marginalization, and family support as predictors of perceived distress in Mexican American female college students. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 51, 151-157.
Castillo, L.G., & Hill, R.D. (2004). Predicators of distress in Chicana college students. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development,32,234-248.
Choi-Pearson, C., Castillo, L.G., Maples, M.F. (2004). The impact of diversity training on racial prejudice of student affairs professionals. NASPA Journal,42,132-146.
Misra, R. & Castillo, L.G. (2004). Academic stress among college students: A comparison of American and international students. International Journal of Stress Management, 11, 132-148.
Hill, R.D., Castillo, L.G., Ngu, L.Q., & Pepion, K. (1999). Helping ethnic minority graduate students pursue careers in academia: Lessons learned from the WICHE doctoral scholars program. The Counseling Psychologist, 27, 827-845.
Gloria, A.M., Castillo, L.G., Choi-Pearson, C.P. & Rangel, D.K. (1997). Competitive internships candidates: A national survey on internship training directors. The Counseling Psychologist, 25, 453-472.
Heart of Texas GEAR UP
Bryan ISD GEAR UP Partnership Project
Gulf Coast GEAR UP Partnership Project
Bridge to GEAR UP
Integrating Teen Pregnancy Prevention Innovative Practices (iTIP)
Fellow. American Psychology Association. (2009)
Associate Editor. Journal of Clinical Psychology (2011 - 2023)
Editorial Board Member. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology (2009 - 2013)
Editorial Board Member. Journal of Hispanic Higher Education (2008 - 2015)
Editorial Board Member. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development (2006 - 2013)
Ombuds Officer. TAMU Graduate and Professional School (2018 – present)