Directory » HEESUN CHANG
Dr. Heesun Chang is an assistant professor of Bilingual/ESL Education in the Department of Educational Psychology. With his interdisciplinary expertise in applied linguistics, educational measurement, and statistics, he is interested in analyzing language/discourse patterns and features through corpus and statistical methods to inform language education and assessment. He is also interested in validating/evaluating psychometric properties of assessment/survey instruments. His recent research focuses on analyzing the linguistic features of international teaching assistants (ITAs) to explore, investigate, and evaluate the validity issues in ITA training and assessment.
Ph.D., Language & Literacy Education, University of Georgia
M.S., Statistics, University of Georgia
M.Ed., Educational Measurement, University of Georgia
M.A., Teaching ESL, Pennsylvania State University
B.A., Mission English, Asian Center for Theological Studies and Mission
BESL 610. Bilingual Assessment and Monitoring Students
Spring 2023, 2024
BESL 613. Sp/En Biliteracy
Fall 2023
BESL 617. Evaluation of Programs with Bilingual and Language Minority Students K-12
Spring 2023, 2024
BESL 685. Directed Studies
Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Summer 2024
INST 363. ESL Method II
Summer 2024
Journal Articles
Chang, H. (2024). Discourse differences between international teaching assistants and university registers: A quantitative corpus approach. Language and Education,
Chang, H. (2024). Investigating the effects of disciplines and first language backgrounds on ITAs’ instructional discourse patterns. International Journal of English for Academic Purposes: Research and Practice, 4(1), 7-28.
Chang, H., & Raeisi-Vanani, A. (2024). Exploring grammatical complexity of international teaching assistants: A comparative corpus study. TESOL Quarterly, [published with student]
Rivera, H., Chang, H., Eslami, Z., Bemani, M., Taheri, M., & Zhu, Y. (2024). Parental perceptions of bilingual education: A study of parental views on schools and teachers. Journal of Latinos and Education, [published with student]
Rivera, H., Chang, H., Zhu, Y., Jimenez, D. D., Bemani, M., & Taheri, M. (2024). Examining the home learning environment practices for emergent bilinguals’ academic development. Education Sciences, [published with student]
Mirzaei, A., Azizi Farsani, M., & Chang, H. (2023). Statistical learning of L2 lexical bundles through unimodal, bimodal, and multimodal stimuli. Language Teaching Research,
Pittman, R., Chang, H., Lindner, A., Binks-Cantrell, E., & Joshi, M. (2023). What do teachers of varying backgrounds know about English spelling?. Annals of Dyslexia, 73(3), 415-439.
Chang, H. (2022). Evaluation of language and teaching skill domains for international teaching assistants: An approach based on invariant measurement. Language Assessment Quarterly, 19(3), 264-288.
Book Chapters
Strauss, S., Chang, H., & Matsumoto, Y. (2018). Genre and the cultural realms of taste in Japanese, Korean, and US online recipes. In Y. Matsumoto, J. Mori, and E. Endo-Hudson (Eds.), Pragmatics of Japanese: Perspectives on grammar, interaction and culture (pp. 219-244). John Benjamins.
Strauss, S., Chang, H., & Yoon, J. (2018). The speech went on (and on) as Kerry dozed off (*and off): A Conceptual Grammar approach to on and off. In L. Pickering and V. Evans (Eds.), Language learning, discourse and cognition (pp. 85-110). John Benjamins.