801C EDCT
Dean and Professor
Curriculum Vitae
Michael A. de Miranda is a Professor, Reta Haynes Endowed Chair, and Dean of the College of Education and Human Development at Texas A&M University. Michael's current responsibilities are to provide leadership across the college in support of the faculty, staff, and students. The students and their families within the college represent our single most important asset and our award winning faculty are second to none within their respective fields of research and teaching. Professor de Miranda's research focuses on the development of young STEM educators for the future of our profession, specifically in learning, cognition, and instruction in engineering and technology education. A graduate of the University of California in Educational Psychology, his research is focused on the study of cognitive process and complex classroom interventions associated with achieving scientific and technological literacy through engineering content. The research focus is centered on measuring and understanding how students "connect the STEM dots". Research awards as PI and Co-PI in excess of $10M funded through extramural competitive grants from the National Science Foundation, National Academy of Engineering and the National Institutes of Health have provided the support to translate core basic research in engineering, big data systems and analysis, and interdisciplinary work in chemistry, environmental health, and engineering into new K-12 STEM contents and research.

Michael de Miranda's expertise in engineering and technology education focuses in the areas related to curriculum selection and use of cognitively-based instructional strategies, materials, and activities that support the integration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in K-12 classrooms. His research centers on the conceptualization of engineering design problems constructed by engineering trained teachers and the design of scales (iSTEM and iDesign scales) to measure students "connecting the STEM dots" when engaged in long term interdisciplinary design problems. In addition to serving as an international consultant and workshop provider in over 13 different countries, Professor de Miranda has made numerous presentations at regional, national, and international conferences. Professor de Miranda's most recent presentations include Istanbul, Turkey (2007), UNESCO World Conference Japan (2014), Conferences in Kyoto, Aichi, and Nagoya Japan (2012, 2014), Singapore at the American Society for Engineering Education 9th Annual Global Colloquium (2010), PATT International Conference, Athlon, Ireland (2018) and invited distinguished speaker in Dalian and Nanjing, China (2009).
Michael's experiences in engineering and technology leadership include the National Technology Education Collegiate Association (TECA) director and past international advisor, President and Past-President of the Council on Technology Teacher Education (2004-2007, 2008 - 2010), member of the Board of Directors for the International Technology Education Association (2003-2005 and 2007-2010), member of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) K-12 Division Executive Team and program chair (2007-2009), member and team chair for the Board of Examiners for the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), past-president of the Colorado Technology Education Association and active work on a several grants funded by the National Science Foundation, Northrop Grumman Corp., and NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), and National Institutes of Health.
- Statistics - Quantitative Research Design and Analysis - Program Evaluation - Engineering Education Teaching Methods - Engineering Design
Samantha Shields, Ph.D. (Spring 2022)
Samantha Michele Shields, Ph.D. (Spring 2022)
Seoyeon Park, Ph.D. (Fall 2020)
Reza Norouzian (Summer 2018)
Journal Articles
*Norouzian, R., de Miranda, M. A., & Plonsky, L. (2019). A Bayesian approach to measuring evidence in L2 research: An empirical investigation. Modern Language Journal, 103(1), 248-261.
*Norouzian, R., de Miranda, M. A., & Plonsky, L. (2018). The Bayesian revolution in second language research: An applied approach. Language Learning, 64(4), 1032-1075. doi:10.1111/lang.12310 Available on line at
Al Salami, M. K., Makela, C. J., & de Miranda, M. A. (2017). Assessing changes in teachers[8217] attitudes toward interdisciplinary STEM teaching. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 27(1), 63-88
Maciejewski, A. A., Chen, T. W., Byrne, Z. S., de Miranda, M. A., Mcmeeking, L. B. S., Notaros, B. M., & Rosales, A. H. (2017). A Holistic Approach to Transforming Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Education. IEEE Access, 5, 8148-8161. Available at
Book Chapters
de Miranda M.A. (2022) New Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning: Shifting Pedagogies of the Profession and the Muddy Puddle of STEM Teacher Associational Fluency. In: McLain, M., Irving-Bell, D., Wooff, D., and Gill, D. (eds). Bloomsbury Handbook of Technology Education: Perspectives and Practice. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. England No. 01984336. 50 Bedford Square, London.
de Miranda, M. A. (2017). Pedogogical Content Knowledge for Technology Education In M. J. de Vries (Ed.), Springer International Handbooks of Education: Handbook of technology education (pp. 1-14). Netherlands: Springer International Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-319-38889-2
Other Publications and Presentations
Hammond, T., Watson, K., Brumbelow, K., Fields, S., Shryock, K., Chamberland, J. F., Barroso, L., de Miranda, M. A., Johnson, M., Alexander, G., Childs, M., Dee, R., White, S., Cherian, L., Dunn, A., Herbert, B. (2020). A Survey to Measure the Effects of Forced Transition to 100% Online Learning on Community Sharing, Feelings of Social Isolation, Equity, Resilience, and Learning Content During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Available electronically from https : / /hdl .handle .net /1969 .1 /187835.
Reimagining the Chemical Heartland: Closing the loop on the oil-plastics-recycling nexus to forge a resilient circular economy.
FY 2021 2022. Account# M2103352 - SRS RN: Track 2: Reimagining the Chemical Heartland: Closing the loop on the oil-plastics-recycling nexus to forge a resilient circular economy –National Science Foundation. $150,000.00 Karen Wooley, PI., Michael A. de Miranda, Co-PI.
Planning Grant: Engineering Research Center for Wafer Independent Solid-State Engineering Research Center (WISE RC)
Co-PI. National Science Foundation (Federal)
2019-12-01 — 2020-11-30
Appalachian Coders
PI. West Virginia State University (State)
2019-09-01 — 2024-08-31
Planning Grant: Engineering Research Center for Wafer Independent Solid-State Engineering Research Center (WISE RC)
Co-PI. National Science Foundation (Federal)
2018-09-01 — 2019-08-31
The Effect of Vocabulary Interventions on Word Reading and Reading Comprehension of School-Aged Children: A Meta-Analysis
PI. American Psychological Association (Private)
2018-09-01 — 2020-08-31
DEEP: Discover, Explore, and Enjoy Physics
Co-PI. National Science Foundation (Federal)
2018-06-01 — 2021-05-31
K12 Teacher Credentialing in Engineering in the 50 States
PI. National Academy of Sciences (Private)
2017-08-23 — 2017-11-30
Engineering and Education Partnership: Preparing the Next Generation of Cross-Disciplinary Trained STEM Teachers
PI. Colorado State University-NSF (Federal)
2016-08-01 — 2018-07-31
2021, February. The Legacy of Excellence and Equity Leadership Award. Annual Celebrate Black History in Education Annual Carter and Larke Lecyure Series. College of Education and Human Development