HECM 316.3 EDCT
Clinical Assistant Professor
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Gustavo Perez received his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Texas Tech University in 2023. Dr. Perez joined the Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture at Texas A&M University in 2022. As a Clinical Assistant Professor, Dr. Perez leads the STEM Educator programs in the Texas Rio Grande Valley where he teaches junior, senior, and graduate level methods courses at the Texas A&M University branch campus at McAllen. He is co-chair of the M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction with a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) emphasis program. His service activities include teacher program development, recruitment and mentoring, teacher professional development, and a range of outreach services to the university and surrounding communities. His research focuses on STEM education access, the attainment factors of historically underrepresented groups, STEM education policy and practice, and the educational experiences of Latinx professionals in the STEM fields.

Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, Texas Tech University (2023)
M.Ed., Secondary Education, University of Texas Pan American (2010)
B.S., Industrial Engineering, Texas A&I University (1997)
Professor Perez’s experiences as a former engineer, secondary teacher, and educational consultant drive his passion to connect research, policy, and practice in the areas of K12 STEM education. His research centers on qualitative methods to investigate the educational and professional experiences of Latinx professionals in the STEM fields. Utilizing narrative inquiry and storytelling as a research methodology, Professor Perez employs cultural forms of communication such as pláticas to identify and characterize self-articulated social capital as determinant factors towards STEM access, attainment, and the intersectionality with STEM education policy and practice.
Gustavo’s recent experiences in STEM and educational leadership include the following: - 450+ Professional Development institutes in STEM Education (2008 - 2022), impacting regional, state and national stakeholders - Former President and executive member of the Texas STEM Coalition (2008 - 2021) - Regional STEM Champion for the Texas Education Agency (TEA) STEM Executive board (2019 - 2022) - Member of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) - Former lead of the Region One ESC STEM Ecosystem (2019 - 2021) - Lead Grant collaborator for the Smithsonian Science Education Center - Zero Barriers in STEM Education: Accessibility and Inclusion Program (2021) - STEM Advisory board participation to support Texas College and Career Readiness School Models (CCRSM) across the Texas Rio Grande Valley, surrounding networks and K12 organizations
MASC 450. Integrated Mathematics
Integration and connections among topics and ideas in mathematics and other disciplines; connections between algebra and geometry and statistics and probability; focus for integration with authentic problems requiring various branches of mathematics.
TEFB 273. Introduction to Culture, Community, Society and Schools
(EDUC 1301) Introduction to Culture, Community, Society and Schools. Field-based course that introduces the culture of schooling and classrooms for analysis within the lens of language, gender, racial, socio-economic, ethnic and academic diversity; the family as a partner in education and educational equality discussed.
MASC 351. Problem Solving in Mathematics
Problem solving strategies in math and science; evaluate conjectures and arguments; writing and collaborating on problem solutions; posing problems and conjectures; constructing knowledge from data; developing relationships from empirical evidence; connecting mathematics concepts; readings, discussions, and analyses will model and illustrate mathematics problems solving and proofs.
EDCI 720. Engineering Design for School Teaching and Learning
Understanding engineering design, the development of an engineering design conceptual framework and the K-12 curricula that are available to address STEM teaching and learning; equips teacher-leaders with the resources to interpret classroom phenomena with a multifaceted perspective using research-based evidence.
EDCI 722. Microcontrollers for Educators in the PBL Classroom
Examination of relevant STEM technologies, connections to K-12 engineering standards for developing robust learning experiences spanning content and ability levels; focus on the use of classroom microcontroller technology using a Problem Based Learning approach.
EDCI 724. Science and Mathematics in the Teaching of Engineering Content in K12 Schools
Exploration of the integrated approach for teaching science and mathematics concepts using engineering design principles and technology in K-12 levels; learn to deliver contextualized and integrated STEM instruction that promotes student engagement, motivation and interest.