Directory » JUNGHWAN KIM
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Dr. Junghwan Kim joined the Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development (EAHR) at Texas A&M University in 2020. He serves for Graduate Programs in Workforce, Adult, & Lifelong Education (WALE) and Human Resource Development (HRD) as an Associate Professor (tenured) and the Program Leader of WALE. Before joining A&M, he worked for six years as an Assistant Professor of Adult and Higher Education at the University of Oklahoma and was promoted with tenure to Associate Professor.

While linking to individual, organizational, and social change, Dr. Kim's research focuses on learning, leadership/career development, and community/work engagement in young to older workers and adults in settings including nonprofit and for-profit organizations, higher education institutions, communities, and everyday life. He also researches the (inter-)national policies and practices of HRD and lifelong learning. Dr. Kim has secured over $350,000.00 in external and internal research funding. He has more than 40 scholarly publications, along with over 55 refereed conference papers. His work has appeared in prominent journals such as Adult Education Quarterly, Community Development Journal, HRD Review, International Journal of Lifelong Education, and International Review of Education.

Ph.D., Adult Education (minor: Workforce Education & Development), The Pennsylvania State University, University Park
M.A., Education (specialization: HRD & Lifelong Education), Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
B.A., Political Science and Diplomacy, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
B.A., Education (minor: Sociology), Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
EHRD 616. Methods for Teaching Adults
EHRD 630. Adult Learning
EHRD 631. Foundations of Adult Education
EHRD 651. Models of Epistemology and Inquiry
EDAH5013. The Adult Learner
Taught at the University of Oklahoma
EDAH5043. Introduction to Research
EDAH5313. Adult Learning Models: Learning in the Organization
EDAH6990. Research Seminar: Civic Engagement, Lifelong Learning, and Development
Steven Koether, Ph.D. (Summer 2022)
Sarah Miller (University of Oklahoma), Ph.D. (Spring 2021)
Christiana Horn (University of Oklahoma), Ph.D. (Spring 2020)
Jessica Rimmer (University of Oklahoma), Ph.D. (Fall 2018)
Journal Articles
† Corresponding Author / * Graduate Student at the time of working on the study
Kim, J. (2023). Toward a lifelong learning society for working adults across boundaries. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2023(179), 105-112.
Kim, J., *Livingston, M. A., Jin, B., *Watts, M., & Hwang, J. (2023). Fundamentals of digital health literacy: A scoping review of identifying core competencies to use in practice. Adult Learning. Advance online publication.
Hwang, J., & †Kim, J. (2022). High-impact educational practices in the arts and post-college community engagement. Local Development & Society. Advance online publication.
Kim, J., Miller, S. M., Hwang, J., & Olson, J. S. (2021). Female first-generation college students: A review of challenges and successes. Journal of Global Education and Research, 5(2), 136-150.
*Miller, S. M., †Kim, J., & Lim, D. H. (2020). "Everybody needs everyone": A case study of workplace learning after a downsize. European Journal of Training and Development, 44(2/3), 159-170.
Jin, B., Kim, J., & Baumgartner, L. M. (2019). Informal learning of older adults in using mobile devices: A review of the literature. Adult Education Quarterly, 69(2), 120-141.
Kim, J. (2019). Meaningful collaborative learning in the everyday workplace: An ethnographic study of activists in a nonprofit organization. The Journal of Lifelong Education and HRD, 15(2), 253-279.
Park, H., Choi, J., †Kim, J., & Hwang, J. (2019). The Academic Credit Bank System in the Republic of Korea: An effective medium for lifelong learning in higher education? International Review of Education, 65(6), 975-990.
Park, S., †Kim, J., Park, J., & Lim, D. H. (2018). Work engagement in nonprofit organizations: A conceptual model. Human Resource Development Review, 17(1), 5-33.
Chae, C., †Kim, J., & Han, S. (2017). Research trends in HRD (2006-2015): A keyword network analysis of articles in four AHRD-sponsored journals. The Korean Journal of Human Resource Development Quarterly, 19(1), 99-127. (in Korean)
Kim, J., You, J., & *Park, S. Y. (2016). Adult learning for social change in museums: An exploration of sociocultural learning approaches to community engagement. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 22(2), 184-198.
Kim, J. (2014). Building coalitions and learning together: A Korean-American community organization. Community Development Journal, 49(3), 473-488.
Kim, J., & Yu, P. (2012). Community leadership and cultural-historical activity theory: Implications for lifelong learning. The Journal of Educational Research, 10(4), 387-412.
Kwon, I. T., Schied, F. M., & †Kim, J. (2011). Towards a learning society: Lifelong learning policies and practices of South Korea since the 1997 IMF crisis. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 13(2), 8-32.
Book Chapters
Kim, J., Shin, H. Y., *Smith, K. L., & Hwang, J. (2021). Online higher education for nontraditional adult students: Best cases of public universities. In Information Resources Management Association (Ed.), Research anthology on developing effective online learning course (pp. 265-285). IGI Global. (Reprinted from Handbook of research on student-centered strategies in online adult learning environments, pp. 221-240, by C. J. Fitzgerald, S. Laurian-Fitzgerald, & C. Popa, Eds., IGI Global)
You, J., †Kim, J., & Lim D. H. (2021). Organizational learning and change: Strategic interventions to deal with resistance. In Information Resources Management Association (Ed.), Research anthology on digital transformation, organizational change, and the impact of remote work< (pp. 723-741). IGI Global. (Reprinted from Handbook of research on human resources strategies for the new millennial workforce, pp. 310-328, by P. Ordoñez de Pablos, & R. D. Tennyson, Eds., 2017, IGI Global)
Kim, J., You, J., Choi, J., & Park, H. (2020). North Korean defectors and human resource development in South Korea. In D. H. Lim, S. W. Yoon, & D. Y. Cho (Eds.), Human resource development in South Korea: Theory and cases (pp. 83-100). Palgrave Macmillan.
Park, H., †Kim J., & Prins, E. S. (2020). Becoming an active learner: Reconstructing identity of North Korean millennial defectors in South Korea. In J. A. Gammel, S. L. Motulsky, & A. Rutstein-Riley (Eds.), Identity and lifelong learning: Becoming through lived experience (pp. 137-160). Information Age.
Kim, J., *Park, S. Y., & You, J. (2017). Strategic leadership for organizational learning: A multi-level approach. In V. C. X. Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of strategic leadership and management (pp. 1524-1537). IGI Global.
Development and evaluation of a digital health literacy program for adults
2021-2022 I Annenberg Research Fellowship [PI]
Amount: $150,000 I Funder: Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy, Washington, DC
Identification of patterns of behavior emerging from shared leadership
2021-2022 I T3 (Texas A&M Triads for Transformation) Grant [co-PI]
Amount: $30,000 I Funder: Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Effects of high-impact educational practices on community engagement of arts alumni
2020-2021 I Research Fellowship of the Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP) [co-PI]
Amount: $5,000 I Funder: Center for Postsecondary Research, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Improvement of managing adult-friendly education programs in universities: A mixed methods research
2018 I Research Grant [co-PI]
Amount: $20,000 approx. I Funder: The National Institute for Lifelong Education (NILE), Seoul, Korea
Lifelong learning of young adults through civic participation: A phenomenological study
2017-2018 I The Diplomacy Lab Research Grant (Project ID: DipLab1725116) [PI]
Amount: $6,000 | Funder: The U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC
2021 I Annenberg Research Scholar , Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy
2020 I Research Fellow, The Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP), Center for Postsecondary Research, Indiana University
2018 I Most Promising Faculty Award, Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies, University of Oklahoma
2015 I Ed Cline Faculty Development Award, Faculty Senate, University of Oklahoma
2012 I Outstanding Graduate Research Award, The 53rd Adult Education Research Conference (AERC)
2012 I Michael B. Salwen Scholars Program Award, Korean-American Educational Researchers Association (KAERA), American Educational Research Association (AERA)
2008-2009 I Graham Endowed Fellowship , Graduate School, Pennsylvania State University
Editorial Board (2021-present), Andragogy Today: Interdisciplinary Journal of Adult & Continuing Education
Editorial Board (2021-present), Adult Learning
Consulting Editor (2020-present), Adult Education Quarterly
Consulting Editor (2020-present), International Review of Education, The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL)
Book Review Editor (2019-2021), Journal of Transformative Education
Assistant Editor (2019-2020), Journal of Global Education and Research
Editorial Board (2018-present), Journal of Lifelong Education, The Korean Society for the Study of Lifelong Education (KSSLE)
Editorial Board (2017-2019), The Journal of Training and Development, The Korean Society for Training and Development (KSTD)
Editorial Board (2016-present), The Journal of Future Education, The Korean Association of Future Education Study (KAFES)
Editorial Board (2015-2018), PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning
Reviewer (2013-present)
Adult Education Quarterly
Adult Learning
American Educational Research Journal
Asia Europe Journal
Asia Pacific Education Review
Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education
Community Development Journal
European Journal of Training and Development
Human Resource Development International
Human Resource Development Review
Journal of Lifelong Education
Journal of Management Development
PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning
The Journal of Educational Research
The Journal of Higher Education
The Journal of Future Education
The Korean Journal of Human Resource Development Quarterly
Mentoring Committee (2021-present), Korean-American Educational Researchers Association (KAERA), American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Sponsorship Committee (2020-present), Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD)
Director of International Collaborations (2020-present), Adult and Continuing Education of Korea (ACE of Korea)
Past President (2021-present), President (2019-2021), Korean American Academy of Lifelong Education (KAALE)
Member at Large (2018-2020), Korea HRD SIG, Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD)
Steering Committee (2017-2019), Adult Education Research Conference (AERC)
Board Member (2015-present), Korean Association of Human Resource Development (K-HRD)
Chair, co-Chair (2015-2018), Faculty Development SIG, Commission of Professors of Adult Education (CPAE), American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE)
co-Chair (2015-2017), Annual Meetings of Korean-American Educational Researchers Association (KAERA), American Educational Research Association (AERA)