Dr. Roya Pashmforoosh is an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the College of Education & Human Development at Texas A&M University, beginning in September 2024. From August 2022 to August 2024, she served as an Accountability, Climate, Equity, and Scholarship (ACES) Faculty Fellow. She obtained a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology (2021) with an emphasis on Bilingual/English as a Second Language (ESL) Education from Texas A&M University, and previously, she received a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics with an emphasis on Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) from Tehran University of Teacher Education (2018). She also holds a master’s degree in Applied Linguistics with an emphasis on TESL from Sharif University of Technology (2011). In 2016, she was invited to be a Visiting Research Scholar in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture in the College of Education & Human Development. Her scholarship has been multidisciplinary and collaborative. Her areas of research focus on (a) literacy development for English learners and emergent bilingual (EB) students, (b) teacher preparation and professional development (PD), and (c) technology and language learning/teaching.
Ph.D., Educational Psychology, Texas A&M University (2021)
Ph.D., English Applied Linguistics, Tehran University of Teacher Education (2018)
M.A., English Applied Linguistics, Sharif University of Technology (2011)
BESL 619. Second Language Acquisition in Pre-K-12: Advanced Theory and Practice
Fall 2024
BESL 623. Teaching English in International and Intercultural Settings
Spring 2025
INST 362. ESL Methods I
Fall 2022, Spring 2024
INST 362. ESL Methods II
Fall 2024
Journal Articles
Eslami, Z., Larina, T. V., & Pashmforoosh, R.* (2023). Identity, politeness, and discursive practices in a changing world. Journal of Linguistics, 27(1), 7-38.
Irby, B. J., Pashmforoosh, R.,* Lara-Alecio, R., Tong, F., Etchells, M. & Rodriguez, L. (2023). Virtual mentoring and coaching through virtual professional learning communities for school leaders: A mixed-method study. Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning. 31(1), 6-38.
Nafukho, F.M., Irby, B.J., Pashmforoosh, R., Lara-Alecio, R., Tong, F., Lockhart, M.E., El Mansour, W., Tang, S., Etchells, M. and Wang, Z. (2023). Training design in mediating the relationship of participants’ motivation, work environment, and transfer of learning. European Journal of Training and Development, 47(10), 112-132.
Pashmforoosh, R.,* Irby, B. J., Lara-Alecio, R., Tong, F. (2023). Building school leaders’ instructional leadership capacity through virtual professional leadership learning communities. Frontiers in Education, Sec. Leadership in Education. 8,
Pashmforoosh, R.,* Irby, B. J., Lara-Alecio, R., Tong, F. (2023). Developing school leaders' instructional leadership practices through reflection. Journal of Educational Leadership Review. 24(1), 44-63.
Irby, B. J., Pashmforoosh, R.,* Druery, D. M., Tong, F., & Lara-Alecio, R. (2022). Virtual professional development on conflict management for school leaders. Frontiers in Education. Sec. Leadership in Education,
Irby, B., Pashmforoosh, R.,* Druery, D. M., Eljaouhari, N., Tong, F., & Lara-Alecio, R. (2022). Virtual professional development during Covid-19: An analysis of a summer leadership institute for school leaders. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments.
Irby, B., Pashmforoosh, R.,* Tong, F., Lara-Alecio, R., Etchells, M., Rodriguez, L. Prickett, C., & Zhao, Y. (2022). Virtual mentoring and coaching for school leaders participating in virtual professional learning communities. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 11(3), 274-292.
Tajeddin, Z., Atai, M. R., & Pashmforoosh, R.* (2020). Beliefs about English as an international language: Voices from Persian-speaking English teachers. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 15(2), 127-145. [indexed in Scopus]
Tajeddin, Z., & Pashmforoosh, R.* (2020). Non-native teachers’ beliefs about language pedagogy in English as an international language. Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics, 11(1), 44-65.
Eslami, Z. R., Moody, S., & Pashmforoosh, R.* (2019). Educating pre-service teachers about World Englishes: Instructional activities and teachers’ perceptions. TESL-EJ Journal, 22(4). [indexed in Scopus]
Alemi, M., & Pashmforoosh, R.* (2017). Investigation of an appropriate way to facilitate long-term retention of vocabulary: Computer-assisted, mobile-based, or dictionary involvement learning. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 33(3), 55-61.
Tajeddin, Z., Alemi, M., & Pashmforoosh, R.* (2017). Acquisition of pragmatic routines by learners of L2 English: Investigating common errors and sources of pragmatic fossilization. TESL-EJ, 21(2), 1-21. [indexed in Scopus]
Tajeddin, Z., Alemi, M., & Pashmforoosh, R.* (2017). The status of native speaker linguistic and pragmatic norms in the context of English as an international language: Exploring the perceptions among nonnative teachers. Language and Intercultural Communication, 18(3), 300-314. [ISI 2019 impact factor: 1.292]
Babaii, E., Taghaddomi, Sh., & Pashmforoosh, R.* (2016). Speaking self-assessment: Mismatches between learners’ and teachers’ criteria. Language Testing Journal, 33(3), 411-437. [ISI 5-Year impact factor: 2.008]
Pashmforoosh, R.,* & Babaii, E. (2015). Whose culture and how far? Culture presentation in current business English textbook series. Journal of Teaching in International Business, 26(3), 216-236. [indexed in Scopus]
Tajeddin, Z., Alemi, M., & Pashmforoosh, R.* (2012). Non-native teachers’ criteria in rating L2 learners’ speaking ability: Does the rater-training program make a difference? TELL Journal, 5(1), 125-153.
Book Chapters
Pashmforoosh, R.* (2023). Persian-speaking language teachers’ perceptions of English accents in the context of English as an international language. In H. Saeli, et al. (Eds.), Teaching and learning Persian as a second language. Springer.