Arlen Strader began with the college in January, 1997 and is currently responsible for developing and maintaining various database and web applications within the college as well as IT Security and Laserfiche.
Job Responsibilities
Job Responsibilities
- CEHD Data Portal (directory, college LISTSERVs, center evaluation, GA evaluation, graduate student reviews, etc.)
- IT Security
- LaserFiche Unit Admin (with Bryan Fruge)
- Annual IT Security Risk Assessment
- Redesign of GA Evaluations (EPSY, TLAC)
- Data Portal-Advising Redesign (Aug-Dec 2021)
- Data Portal-Secure Uploads Redesign (Fall 2021/Spring 2022)
- Data Portal-Payroll Redesign (Spring 2022)
- Data Portal-Directory Redesign (Fall 2020)
- Data Portal-Center Evaluation Redesign (Spring 2021)
- Data Portal-Probation and Appeals Redesign (Spring 2021)
If you have a web application or IT related project, contact me or Technology Services to discuss potential solutions.
M.S., Mathematics, Texas AM University (1996)
B.S., Mathematics, Bob Jones University (1992)
My Presentation (2024)
My 2nd Presentation (2025)
This section will include various demos I am working on to explore web development techniques.
I have taught the Intro to Database Administration course in the Technology Management program in EAHR. The topics for this course include
- SQL Basics (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, joins, summary queries, etc.)
- Intermediate SQL (creating custom procedures, functions, triggers, alerts)
- Database Design - building the appropriate tables and columns for different scenarios)
- Database Administration - installing, configuring MySQL; log files; creating user accounts; etc.
My New Great Book.
My other new book
Books and Monographs
Pilant, M.S., Epstein, J.L., Bollinger, K., Hall, R., Hester, Y., & Strader, A. (2005). Finite Math on the Web. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks-Cole Publishing.
Journal Articles
Denton, J., Davis, T., Capraro, R., Smith, B., Beason, L., Graham, D., & Strader, A. (2009). Examining applicants for admission and completion of an online teacher certification program. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 12(1), 214-219.
Denton, J. J., Davis, T. J., Capraro, R. M., Smith, B. L., Beason, L., Graham, D., & Strader, R. A. (2009). Examination of applicant profiles for admission into and completion of an online secondary teacher certification program. Educational Technology & Society, 12(1), 214-229.
Denton, J., Davis, T., Smith, B., Beason, L., Graham, D., & Strader, A. (2008). Assessment benchmarks for an alternative certification program. Journal of the National Association for Alternative Certification
Denton, J., Davis, T., Smith, B., Strader, A., Clark, F., & Wang, L. (2006). Technology mentor fellowship program: A technology integration professional development model for classroom teachers. National Forum of Teacher Education Journal 16:3.
Denton, J., Davis, T., Smith, B., & Strader, A.(2005) The technology mentor fellowship program (TMFP) model for professional development and sustainability of technology infusion initiatives. Texas Journal of Distance Learning [Online serial] 2:2, 69-85. Available online at
Denton, J.J., Davis, T.J., Smith, B.L., Strader, R.A., Clark, F.E., & Wang, L. (2004-05).Net generation undergraduates as technology mentors for teacher educators. National Forum of Teacher Education Journal 17E;3. Available at:
Denton, J., Davis, T. & Strader, A. (2001). 2000 Public School Technology Survey. INSIGHT , Summer, 2001. 15:2, 13-23
Denton, J., Davis, T., Strader, A., Jessup, G., & Jolly, D. (1999). The changing technology infrastructure in Texas public schools. INSIGHT , Summer, 1999, 13:2, 34-38
Jolly, D.V., Davis, T., Strader, R.A., Denton, J. (1999). Issues related to technology in teacher education programs and K-12 public schools in Texas. Educational Technology & Society, July, 1999, 2:3, ISSN 1436-4522.
Conference Proceedings
Denton, J., Davis, T., Smith, B., Strader, A., Clark, F. & Wang, L. (2005).Net generation college students as technology mentors fr teacher educators. Proceedings of the society for Information Technology and Teacher Education. 2005, 16th International Conference. 3150-3154
Pilant, M. S., Hall, R. J., Epstein, J., Hester, Y., & Strader, A. (2000). Issues involved in a large scale implementation of web-based mathematics instruction. In Conference Proceedings, International Conference on Mathematics/Science Education and Technology Conference Proceedings, pp 334-339.
Hall, R. J., Pilant, M. S., & Strader, R. A. (1999). The impact of web-based performance on instruction in an applied statistics course. Conference Proceedings, International Conference on Mathematics/Science Education and Technology (M/SET 99).
Other Publications and Presentations
Denton, J., Davis, T. & Strader, A. (2001). Report of the 2000 Texas Public School Technology Survey Prepared for the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board and Texas Public Schools. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University, 1998 (ERIC Reproduction Number ED-454-811).
Denton, J., Davis, T., Strader, A., & Jessup, G. (1999). Final Report of the 1998 Texas Public School Technology Survey. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University, 1998 (ERIC Reproduction Number ED-429-751).
TRI Data Support
TRI Data Support
TAMU Center on Disability and Development
NSBRI Website and Special Public Outreach Project Support
NIMS 2 Development
NIMS Maintenance
NSBRI-Website and Special Public Outreach Project Support
NSBRI-Website and Special Public Outreach Project Support
Proposal for the Update and Expansion of the NSBRI Information Management System
Evaluation of the R-Tech Pilot Program
Evaluation of the Texas Migrant Education Program
Evaluation of Readiness for Online Testing in Texas
NSBRI Website and Special Public Outreach Project Support
NIMS and Web site Maintenance and Development
Middle School Aerospace Scholar Program