Directory » TRINA DAVIS
Dr. Trina Davis is an Associate Professor and Director of the Glasscock Island Simulation Project in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture at Texas A&M University. Recently Davis was co-principal investigator of the Knowledge for Algebra Teaching for Equity (KATE) Project funded by the National Science Foundation. Davis is Past-President of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), and served on the ISTE Board of Directors. Formerly, Davis was the Director of the eEducation Group at TAMU, where she led a number of research and development efforts on innovative STEM programs. Dr. Davis has presented and published empirical studies and synthesis articles, an edited book, and numerous chapters on various aspects of technology integration in teaching and learning, mathematics, and broader STEM education. Her work ranges from teaching and learning in immersive environments (e.g., 3-D simulations and virtual worlds, VR), creativity and technology, to large-scale school technology studies in Texas. In addition, Dr. Davis co-developed an online master's program with an emphasis in STEM teaching and learning for elementary educators. Davis has received several national awards including the 2015 Top 30 Technologists, Transformers, and Trailblazers recognition by the Center for Digital Education, and the prestigious Making It Happen achievement award given at the ISTE Conference. Her scholarship has included a focus on practices to improve engagement of women and students of color in STEM disciplines. Dr. Davis also continues to champion issues related to digital equity, nationally and internationally.
Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Technology, Texas A&M University (2005)
M.S., Mathematics, Prairie View A&M University (1999)
B.S., Mathematics [Applied], Virginia Commonwealth University (1990)
EDCI602. Cultural Foundations Of Educ
EDCI619. T And L Nmbr And Quanty Concpt
EDCI644. Curriculum Development
EDCI675. Tch Strat-pat Of Learn
EDCI676. Eval/implem E-learn Matl
EDCI684. Professional Intern: In-absentia
EDCI689. Special Topics In Professional Development Sci Tch
EDCI689. Special Topics In On-line Development Strt
Lanora McNeil, Ed.D. (Summer 2021)
Ashley Andrea Leverett, Ed.D. (Summer 2021)
Adam Christopher Whitaker (Summer 2020)
John Eric Salinas (Summer 2020)
Toni L. Harrison-Kelly (Summer 2020)
Gloria Tachia, Ph.D. (Spring 2020)
Seung Han Yoo (Fall 2019)
Nickolaus Alexander Ortiz (Spring 2018)
Chih-Feng Chien (Spring 2012)
Terry Kidd (Spring 2011)
Books and Monographs
Ganesh, T. G., Boriack, A. W., Stillisano, J. R., Davis, T.J., & Waxman, H. C. (Eds.). (2015). Research on technology use in multicultural settings. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
Kandel-Cisco, B., Stillisano, J R., Davis, T. J., & Waxman, H. C. (2015). Case studies of online testing in multicultural school districts. In T. G. Ganesh, A. W. Boriack, J. R. Stillisano, T. J. Davis, & H. C. Waxman, H. (Eds.). Research on technology use in multicultural settings. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
Davis, T., Denton, J., Strader, A., Sparks, K, Shin, J., Qi, S., Lee, Y., Waxman, H., & Stillisano, J. (2008). Evaluating districts’ readiness for online testing: Results from a survey of Texas districts and campuses (Report No. 08-002). College Station, TX: State of Texas Education Research Center at Texas A&M University.
Stillisano, J., Waxman, H., Hostrup, J., Kandel-Cisco, B., & Davis, T. (2008). Evaluating districts’ readiness for online testing: Results from in-depth case studies of six Texas districts (Report No. 08-001). College Station, TX: State of Texas Education Research Center at Texas A&M University.
Davis, T., Fuller, M., Jackson, S., Pittman, J., & Sweet, J. (2007). A national consideration of digital equity report. Washington, DC: International Society for Technology in Education.
Journal Articles
Davis, T. J., Merchant, Z., & Kwok, O.M. (2022). An examination of practice-based virtual simulations and preservice mathematics teaching efficacy and outcome expectancy. Education Sciences,12, 262.
Henderson, M., Henriksen, D., Carvalho, A., Cernochova, M., Creely, E., Dash, D., Davis, T., & Mishra, P. (2020). Creativity and risk-taking in teaching and learning settings: Insights from six international narratives. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 2(2), 100024.
Ortiz, N. A., & Davis, T. J. (2020). Gladys’s lesson plan: A culturally relevant exemplar. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 113(8), 651-657. [published with student]
Wang, K., Kuo, L., Li, Y., & Davis, T. J. (2017). Review of IES funded projects on mathematics education in the U.S. Journal of Mathematics Education, 26(5), 82-88
Kidd, T. T., Davis, T. J., & Larke, P. J. (2016). Experience, adoption, and information technology: Exploring the phenomenological experience of faculty involvement in online teaching. International Journal of E-Learning. 15(1), 71-99 [published with student]
Kulm, G., Merchant, Z., Ma, T., Oner, A. T., Davis, T., & Lewis, C. W. (2016). Algebra problem solving equity challenges: Building middle school preservice teachers[8217] diversity awareness. Teacher Education and Practice: STEM Special Edition, 29(4), 642-659. [published with student]
Ma, T., Brown, I., Kulm, G., Davis, T. J., & Allen, D. (2014). Constructing and role-playing student avatars in a simulation of teaching algebra for diverse learners. Urban Education. Published online 18 July 2014, DOI: 10.1177/0042085914542658
Merchant, Z., Goetz, E., Cifuentes, L., Keeney-Kennicutt, W., & Davis, T, J. (2014). Effectiveness of virtual reality-based instruction on students[48]19 learning outcomes in K-12 and higher education: A meta-analysis, Computers & Learning, 70, 29-40 [published with student]
Merchant, Z., Goetz, E., Keeney-Kennicutt, W., Kwok, O., Cifuentes, L., & Davis, T, J. (2013). Exploring 3-D virtual reality technology for spatial ability and chemistry achievement, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 29, 579-590
Davis, T., Chien, C., Brown, I., & Kulm, G. (2012). Knowledge for Algebra Teaching for Equity (KATE) project: An examination of virtual classroom simulation approaches, National Forum of Multicultural Issues Journal. 9(2), 67-87 [published with student]
Davis, T. J., Stillisano, J. R., & Waxman, H. C. (2012). A statewide evaluation of districts' readiness for large-scale online testing: Unique perceptions and challenges from diverse school districts' lenses. Journal of Texas Alliance of Black School Educators, 4, 33-54
Merchant, Z., Goetz, E., Keeney-Kennicutt, W., Kwok, O., Cifuentes, L., & Davis, T. J. (2012). The learner characteristics, features of desktop 3D virtual reality environments, and college chemistry instruction: A structural equation modeling analysis. Computers & Education, 59, 551- 568 [published with student]
Parker, R., Vannest, K., *Davis, J., Clemens, N.H. (2012). Defensible progress monitoring data for medium/high-stakes decisions. Journal of Special Education, 46, 141-151.
Brown, I. A., Davis, T. J., Lewis, C. W., & Kulm, G. (2011). Preservice teachers' knowledge for teaching algebra for equity in the middle grades: A preliminary report. Journal of Negro Education (Special Issue)
Denton, J., Davis, T., Capraro, R., Smith, B., Beason, L., Graham, D., & Strader, A. (2009). Examining applicants for admission and completion of an online teacher certification program. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 12(1), 214-219.
Denton, J. J., Davis, T. J., Capraro, R. M., Smith, B. L., Beason, L., Graham, D., & Strader, R. A. (2009). Examination of applicant profiles for admission into and completion of an online secondary teacher certification program. Educational Technology & Society, 12(1), 214-229.
Denton, J., Davis, T., Smith, B., Beason, L., Graham, D., & Strader, A. (2008). Assessment benchmarks for an alternative certification program. Journal of the National Association for Alternative Certification
Davis, T. (2007). A national consideration of digital equity. Learning & Leading with Technology 35(2), 48.
Davis, T. (2007). Making a difference: Three critical challenges. Learning & Leading with Technology NECC Daily Leader 2, 2.
Denton, J.J., & Davis, T.J. (2007). Challenges of recruiting candidates with strong academic credentials. School Science and Mathematics Journal, 107(4), 121-122.
Denton, J., Davis, T., Smith, B., Strader, A., Clark, F., & Wang, L. (2006). Technology mentor fellowship program: A technology integration professional development model for classroom teachers. National Forum of Teacher Education Journal 16:3.
Denton, J., Davis, T., Smith, B., & Strader, A.(2005) The technology mentor fellowship program (TMFP) model for professional development and sustainability of technology infusion initiatives. Texas Journal of Distance Learning [Online serial] 2:2, 69-85. Available online at
Denton, J.J., Davis, T.J., Smith, B.L., Strader, R.A., Clark, F.E., & Wang, L. (2004-05).Net generation undergraduates as technology mentors for teacher educators. National Forum of Teacher Education Journal 17E;3. Available at:
Denton, J., Davis, T., Strader, A., & Durbin, B. (2003). 2002 Texas Public School Technology Survey. Insight, 17(3), 13-28.
Denton, J., Davis, T. & Strader, A. (2001). 2000 Public School Technology Survey. INSIGHT , Summer, 2001. 15:2, 13-23
Denton, J., Davis, T., Strader, A., Jessup, G., & Jolly, D. (1999). The changing technology infrastructure in Texas public schools. INSIGHT , Summer, 1999, 13:2, 34-38
Jolly, D.V., Davis, T., Strader, R.A., Denton, J. (1999). Issues related to technology in teacher education programs and K-12 public schools in Texas. Educational Technology & Society, July, 1999, 2:3, ISSN 1436-4522.
Book Chapters
Davis, T. J., & *Hernandez-Valencia , M. (2021). Affordances of virtual worlds and virtual reality to support STEM project-based learning. In R. M. Capraro, M. M. Capraro, J. Young, & L. R. Barroso (Eds.), Project-based learning: An integrated science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) approach (pp. 199-215). Sense.
Raven, S., Davis, T. J., & Craig, C. J. (2020). The mentor-mentee faculty relationship: Cases of reciprocal learning and leading. In C. J. Craig (Ed.), Cross-disciplinary, cross-institutional collaboration in teacher education: Cases of learning and leading.
Hao, H., Kulm, G., & Davis, T. (2020). Self-reflection on engagement in virtual classrooms as the dual role: An Asian woman graduate student and middle-grade girl avatar in STEM. In B. Polnick, B. Irby, & J. Ballenger (Eds.), Girls and women of color: Their journeys in higher education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age. [published with student]
Henderson, M., Henriksen, D., Carvalho, A., Cernochova, M., Creely, E., Dash, D., Davis, T., Mishra, P., Sointu, E., & Tosato, P. (2020). Report from TWG 3: Creativity for teachers and teaching. In P. Fisser & M. Phillips (Eds.), International summit on ICT in education: Learners and learning contexts, new alignments for the digital age.
Davis, T. J., Phillips, G. A., & Kulm, G. (2018). Creativity and the design of music-mathematics activities in a virtual simulation learning environment. In V. Freiman & J. Tassell (Eds.), Creativity and Technology in Mathematics Education (pp. 181-202). New York: Springer.
Davis, T., J., & South, J., & Stevens, K. D. (2018). ICT and educational policy in North America. In J. Voogt, & G. Knezek, R. Christensen, & K. Lai (Eds.), International handbook of information technology in primary and secondary education. Springer, US.
Davis, T. J., & Ortiz, N. A. (2017). Technology and African American girls: We can be techies too. In P. J. Larke, G. Webb-Hasan, & J. Young (Eds.), Cultivating achievement, respect, and empowerment (CARE) for African American girls in preK12 settings: Implications for access, equity and achievement (pp. 133-152). Charlotte, NC: Information Age. [published with student]
Davis, T. J. & Hill, K. (2016). 21st century skills. In S. B. Mertens, M.M. Caskey & N. Flowers (Eds.), Encyclopedia of middle grades education. [published with student]
Davis, T. J., Kulm, G., Oner, A. T., Indiogine, S. E. P., Goldsby, D., Ma, T. (2015). Preservice teachers' problem solving lesson engagement and knowledge and beliefs about teaching for equity. In J. Hammer & Y. Li (Eds.), Teaching at Work (pp. 51-80). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense [published with student]
Davis, T. J. (2014). Mathematics learning in virtual worlds: Affordances and accessibility. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, & E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed.), pp. 1630. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Davis, T. J. (2013). Affordances of virtual worlds to support STEM project-based learning. In R. M. Capraro, M. M. Capraro, & J. Morgan (Eds.), Project-based learning: An integrated science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) approach, pp. 71-77. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense
Davis, T. J. (2013). Using three-dimensional virtual environments to prepare STEM teachers. In M. M. Capraro, R. M. Capraro (Eds.), Improving urban schools: equity and access in k-16 STEM education for ALL students, pp. 125-141. Charlotte, NC: Information Age
Conference Proceedings
Scragg, B., Davis, T., Norton, M., Mishra, P., & Anbar, A. (2021). Designing the future of undergraduate STEM education: An inter-institutional and interdisciplinary approach. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, 2021 Annual Conference.
Ortiz, N. A., & Davis, T. J. (2019). Planning for equity: Analyzing the cultural relevance of pre-service teachers’ lesson plans. In S. Otten, A.G., Candela, Z., de Araujo, C. Haines, & C. Munter (Eds.), Proceedings of the forty-first annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA). St. Louis, MO. [published with student] [published with student]
Oner, A. T., Indiogine, S.E. P., Kulm, G., Hao, H., Davis, T., & Ortiz, N. (2015) The response of preservice teachers to algebraic misconceptions of students. Proceedings of the annual meeting of Research Council on Mathematics Learning (RCML), Las Vegas, NV. [published with student]
Ortiz, N. A., Davis, T. J., & Kulm, G. (2015). A culturally relevant approach to equity inside a virtual simulation mathematics classroom. In M. J. Mohr-Schroeder & J. Thomas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 114th annual convention of the School Science and Mathematics Association Conference, Oklahoma City, OK: SSMA. [published with student]
Merchant, Z., Kulm, G., Davis, T. J., Ma, T., & Oner, A. T. (2013). Integrating culturally relevant pedagogy in a mathematics problem-solving course: Pre-service teachers’ diversity awareness growth trajectories. In M. Martinez & A. Castro Superfine (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (p. 944). [published with student]
Kidd, T., Davis, T., & Larke, P. (2012, March). The rhetoric of fear: Examining the construct of fear and computer anxiety as it relates to faculty engagement in online teaching. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (Vol. 2012, No. 1, pp. 511-516). [published with student]
Kidd, T. T. & Davis, T. J. (2012, March). A framework to analyze faculty involvement in online teaching using UTAUT and Dewey’s theory of experience. In P. Resta (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 505-510). Chesaapeake, VA: AACE. [published with student]
Kulm, G., Brown, I. A., Lewis, C. W., Davis, T. J., An, S., & Anderson, L. (2011, October). Knowledge foundations for teaching algebra for equity. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 182-189). Reno, NV. [published with student]
Rangel-Chavez, A. F., Kulm, G., Davis, T. J., & Brown, I. A. (2011, October). Exploring middle school preservice teacher mathematical problem posing. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 1988). Reno, NV. [published with student]
Davis, T., Cifuentes, L., Denton, J., Beason, L., & Columbus, Y. (2007). Online and field-based teacher preparation, mentoring and supervision: Effects and impacts on teaching candidate’s professional readiness. Proceedings of the Texas Computer Educators Association Research Symposium (pp. 29-39). Austin, TX.
Denton, J., Davis, T., Smith, B., Beason, L., & Strader, R. (2005). An online professional development model for pre-service teacher education. Proceedings of e-Learn 2005 world conference on e-Learning in corporate, government, healthcare, & higher education (pp. 617-624). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Denton, J., Davis, T., Smith, B., Strader, A., Clark, F., & Wang, L. (2005). Net generation college students as technology mentors for teacher educators. Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, 16th International Conference (pp. 3150-3154).
Denton, J., Davis, T., Strader, A., Durbin, B., & Wang, L. (2004). Has state and federal support changed technology infrastructure and professional development in Texas public schools. Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2004 (pp. 5242-5249).
Other Publications and Presentations
Denton, J., Davis, T. & Strader, A. (2001). Report of the 2000 Texas Public School Technology Survey Prepared for the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board and Texas Public Schools. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University, 1998 (ERIC Reproduction Number ED-454-811).
Denton, J., Davis, T., Strader, A., & Jessup, G. (1999). Final Report of the 1998 Texas Public School Technology Survey. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University, 1998 (ERIC Reproduction Number ED-429-751).
RET Site: SECURE: Secure Teacher Education on Cybersecurity by Utilizing Research Experiences
Catapult Round 3 - The CREST Project: Community Research through Engagement in STEM Teaching (Funded amount $30,000)
Teacher Education Transformation & Research Vision: 4 Cs ($26,200)
Preservice Teachers Knowledge for Teaching Algebra for Equity in the Middle Grades
Authentic Assessments of Preservice Teachers Knowledge
Evaluation of the R-Tech Pilot Program
Humanities in the Metaverse: Establishing a TAMU-Digital Humanities & Visual Culture Education and Research Island in Second Life
Evaluation of Readiness for Online Testing in Texas
Middle School Aerospace Scholar Program
Opening Pathways for Teacher Instructional Opportunities in Natural Science
Scragg, B., Davis, T., Norton, M., Mishra, P., & Anbar, A. Designing the future of undergraduate STEM education: An inter-institutional and interdisciplinary approach. Best Paper Award, Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) International Conference (2021)
Extraordinary Service award. Extraordinary Service Award, College of Education and Human Development, Dean's Development Council, (2017)
Making it Happen Achievement Award. National Education Computing Conference. (2006)
Editorial Board Member. Empowered Learner Journal (2017-2019)
Associate Editor. School Science and Mathematics (2007 - 2011)
Academic Program Chair, STEM Education, Department of Teaching, Learning and
Culture, 2024-Present
Culture, 2024-Present
Academic Program Chair, Technology and Teacher Education, Department of Teaching, Learning and
Culture, 2017-2018.
Culture, 2017-2018.
Director, eEducation, Texas A&M University, College of Education and Human Development,
Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture, 2000-2007.
Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture, 2000-2007.
Appointed Co-Chair. Educational Technology Advisory Committee. Texas Education Agency. (2001-2003)
Appointed Member. Texas Education Agency, Educational Technology Advisory Committee. (2005-2008)
Board Member. International Society for Technology in Education. (2003-2010)
Online Learning Advisory Committee. U.S. Department of Education. (2006)
President. International Society for Technology in Education. (2007-2009)
President-Elect. International Society for Technology in Education. (2006-2007)
Treasurer. International Society for Technology in Education. (2004-2006)