Directory » JIEUN YI
 537 EDCT
Visiting Assistant Professor
Teaching Focus:
• Inclusive Learning Environment
• Innovative Course and Learning Material Design
• Experiential Learning and Practical Skill Development
• Interactive Assessment

Research Interests:
• Critical Human Resource Development
• Qualitative Research Methodology
• Theory Development for Changing Career Landscape
• Sociological Approaches to Human Resource Development

Ph.D., Human Resource Development, Texas A&M University (2023)
M.A., Sociology, Chung-Ang University (2014)
M.A., Sociology, Ritsumeikan University (2012)
B.A., Sociology, Chung-Ang University (2010)
EHRD 391. Measurement and Evaluation in HRD/TCM
Fall 2024, Summer 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023
EHRD 402. Instructional Technology and Design
Summer 2024
EHRD 477. Project Management in Organizations
Fall 2024
EHRD 490. Research in HRD/TCM
Fall 2024
EHRD 612. Training and Development in HRD
Spring 2024
EHRD 613. Career Development in HRD
Spring 2024, Fall 2023
EHRD 624. Change Theory
Fall 2023
EHRD 627. Research and Development in HRD
Summer 2024
EHRD 690. Theory of EHRD Research: Literature Review
Co-instructed with Dr. Jia Wang
Fall 2022, Fall 2021